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Disaster Reduction and Epidemic Prevention Announcement by the Office of Academic Affairs


Disaster Reduction and Epidemic Prevention Announcement by the Office of Academic Affairs 

因應本土COVID-19 染疫個案快速增加,請授課教師兼顧減災防疫、維護學習不中斷、學習內涵不打折及有效評量等需求,同時堅持確診者、快篩檢陽性及密切接觸者不入校的原則。本校課程自5月9日至本學期結束期間,教務處尊重教師基於前述要求下的多元授課及評量方式。

In response to the rapid increase in locally acquired Covid-19 cases, instructors are requested to take epidemic prevention measures into account  and to provide uninterrupted teaching, uncompromised class content, and effective evaluation. Starting from May 9th 2022 until the end of the semester, the Office of Academic Affairs will respect the decisions of the instructors concerning innovative teaching and evaluation methods based on the above requirements.

本校課程進行方式說明 : https://reurl.cc/ErRpMn

* Description of methods to conduct classes: https://reurl.cc/ErRpMn

*本校實體課程及線上學習Q&A : https://reurl.cc/ZQDgb6

* Q&A for in person classes and online learning: https://reurl.cc/ZQDgb6

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